WAS Statement on
+Positive Relationships
September 4th, 2024
In recognition of World Sexual Health Day, celebrated this year under the theme of "Positive Relationships," the World Association for Sexual Health (WAS) underscores that the principles of Positive Relationships are deeply rooted in the WAS Declaration of Sexual Rights and are fundamental to the health and well-being of all individuals. Therefore, (WAS):
STATES that positive relationships are grounded in mutual respect, trust, equality, and justice, which are fundamental for the health and well-being of all individuals.
RECOGNIZES that positive relationships are influenced by cultural, social, economic, and individual factors, and flourish where diversity is embraced, differences are respected, and sexual justice is upheld.
AFFIRMS that positive relationships encompass a wide range of connections, including familial, romantic, platonic, and professional relationships. These relationships are built on communication, empathy, and a commitment to the well-being of all parties involved.
MAINTAINS that positive relationships enhance emotional, mental, and social well-being, providing support, fulfillment, and personal growth, including the expression and enjoyment of sexual pleasure as a key aspect of human experience.
DECLARES that fostering positive relationships requires a proactive and respectful approach to communication, conflict resolution, the expression of affection, and the pursuit of sexual justice—understanding these elements as crucial to sustaining healthy, equitable, and pleasurable connections.
REAFFIRMS that positive, enriching relationships must be free from abuse, manipulation, coercion, and injustice, and must honor the dignity, autonomy, and sexual rights of each individual.
STATES that equality, non-discrimination, and sexual justice are foundational to all positive relationships, prohibiting any distinction, exclusion, or restriction based on race, ethnicity, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, health status, or any other status.
ASSERTS that all individuals have the right to form, maintain, and dissolve relationships freely and with full and informed consent, without fear of stigma or discrimination, and with assurance of sexual justice and the right to sexual pleasure.
PROCLAIMS that the promotion of positive relationships, grounded in respect, equality, pleasure, and justice, is integral to the development of a more compassionate, inclusive, and peaceful society.
On this World Sexual Health Day, let us commit to nurturing positive relationships!