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WAS Statement on the Violation of Human and Sexual Rights of Women and Girls in Afghanistan

August 27th, 2024

The World Association for Sexual Health (WAS) strongly condemns the recent 'Law on Propagation of Virtue and Prevention of Vice' enacted by the Taliban in Afghanistan, which violates the fundamental human and sexual rights of women and girls. 


This decree extends severe restrictions on women’s autonomy and freedom of expression as well as their right to gender equality. It imposes mandatory dress codes that require women to fully cover their bodies and faces in public. It also forbids women from freely using their voices in public. 


Sexual rights are human rights. Every individual, regardless of gender, has the right to make personal decisions about their own body and live free from violence and discrimination. The recent developments in Taliban Afghanistan undermine these rights and threaten the progress made in advancing gender equality and sexual health globally.


The WAS Declaration on Sexual Rights (2014) states that “equality and nondiscrimination are foundational to all human rights protection and promotion” and prohibits any distinction based on race, ethnicity, sex, religion, or other status. It also declares that “everyone has the right to control and decide freely on matters related to their sexuality and body.”  


WAS calls on the international community to stand in solidarity with Afghan women and girls and take immediate action to protect their rights. WAS urges the Afghan government to repeal these oppressive laws and to uphold its obligations under international human rights treaties. Women’s rights are non-negotiable, and essential to the well-being of society.


WAS remains committed to advocating for the sexual rights of all people and will continue to work tirelessly to support those whose rights are under threat.

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