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The World Association for Sexual Health Statement on the Kinsey Institute

June 1st, 2023

WAS is deeply concerned by the recent attack by Indiana lawmakers against a WAS Member Organisation – the Kinsey Institute at Indiana University, the world’s leading institution of academic research on sexuality. Last month Indiana lawmakers adopted a budget that prevents Indiana University from using state funding to support the Kinsey Institute.


WAS recalls that Alfred Kinsey, who founded the Institute in 1947, helped transform our understanding of sexuality, relationships, and sexual well-being and paved the way for a more open and accepting society. WAS supports and values the Kinsey Institute for conducting and nurturing cutting-edge research by internationally renowned scholars and scientists from many disciplines. It is home to the world’s largest sexuality-related library and research collections. The Institute’s work is scientific, apolitical, and controversial only because it is focused on sexuality.


WAS reaffirms its commitment to support sexual science in a shared mission to expand and advance “Sexual Health, Rights, Justice and Pleasure for ALL.” The current attack on the Kinsey Institute is an attack on us all – on our freedom of expression throughout our research and practice in the field of sexual health, rights, and education.


Across the United States, we have seen sexual and reproductive rights severely restricted, including access to safe abortion, trans people further marginalised, and sexual education programmes censored.

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