Gold Medal Awards Nominations
This award is the highest honor bestowed by WAS and is presented at the WAS Biennial Congress.
We encourage anyone experienced in the field to submit nominations for this award.
Each nomination should be supported by two other individuals known to WAS.
It is important to note that individuals cannot nominate themselves, and the system is strictly confidential.
The person being nominated should not be approached for information, nor should they be advised of their nomination at any stage.
A past recipient of the Gold Medal may not nominate their sponsors for the award for at least three award cycles.
Nomination Proposal:
To prepare the nomination proposal, the nominator should provide a nomination letter (in English) that includes the name, gender, and country of the nominated person, as well as their current or most recent position.
The letter should also briefly review the nominee’s lifelong achievements in the field and why they are worthy of the award. Additionally, letters of support (in English) from two other people known to WAS and familiar with the nominee’s achievements, as well as a copy of the nominee’s Curriculum Vitae with English translations of the published titles, should be included.
Selection Criteria:
The selection criteria for this award will be based on documented evidence of lifelong achievement within the fields of Sexology, Sexual Health, Sexuality Education, Sexual Rights, Psychosexual Therapy, or Counseling.
This includes professional and voluntary work in any area related to human sexuality.
Nomination Process:
Nominations may be submitted by anyone experienced in the field and should be supported by two other persons who are known to WAS. Please note that an individual cannot nominate themselves. The nomination process is strictly confidential; therefore, the person being nominated should not be approached for information nor advised of their nomination at any stage. Additionally, a past recipient of the Gold Medal may not nominate any of their sponsors for the award for at least a period of three award cycles (or six years). Members of the current WAS administration (Officers, AC, EC) are not eligible for nomination.
The Gold Medal Award Committee encourages broad representation, including various disciplines, countries, personal backgrounds, and gender. Previous gold medal winners have predominantly come from the Global North, and we are encouraging nominations from the Global South.
Submit all documents electronically to the WAS Executive Director, René De Klerk at exec@worldsexualhealth.net.​