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WAS2023 Group Photo taken at 2023 Congress in Turkey.

About WAS

WAS is a Confederation representing thousands of people who work in Sexual Health globally, including Healthcare Professionals, Educators and Activists.

WAS is actively creating a world in which all people have access to Sexual Health, Rights, Justice and Pleasure.


WAS achieves this through its regional federations, global memberships and strategic collaborations with international partners.

WAS Federations

Logo of the Latin-American Federation of Sexology and Sexuality Education Societies (FLASSES)
Logo of the North American Federation for Sexual Health (NAFSH)
Logo of the Asia-Oceanic Federation of Sexology (AOFS)
Logo of the European Federation of Sexology (EFS)
Logo of the East Mediterranean Federation of Sexual Health (EMFeSH)
Logo of Sexual Health Africa (SHA)
About WAS

WAS Executive Officers

Elna Rudolph


Elna Rudolph


Medical Doctor, Sexologist and Clinical Head of My Sexual Health

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Alain Giami


Emeritus Research

Professor INSERM

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Past President:

Pedro Nobre


Professor of Psychology & Director of the Faculty of Psychology & Edu Sciences at the University of Porto

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Luis Perelman-Javnozon


Sexuality Educator and Activist,

Co-Founder of El Armario Abierto

Appointed Members of the WAS Executive Committee

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Esther Corona Vargas


Founder and past President of the Mexican Association for Sexuality Education (AMES)

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Jeyarani Kamaraj


MBBS, DGO - Gynecology& Obstetrics

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Eszter Kismödi



International Human Rights Lawyer

on SRH Law, Policy and Research

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Esben Esther Pirelli-Benestad


Physician, Sexologist and

Ph.D. Researcher

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Erick Janssen


Professor in Sexology and Director of the Institute for Family and Sexuality Studies at the University of Leuven

WAS Federation Presidents

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Lynn Barcley
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Sexual Health Africa Logo

Asia-Oceania Federation for Sexology (AOFS):

Rosediani Muhamad


European Federation of Sexology (EFS):

Esben Esther Pirelli-Benestad


Latin American Federation of Sexology and Sex Education Societies (FLASSES):

Felipe Hurtado Murillo SPAIN

North American Federation for Sexual Health (NAFSH):

Lynn Barclay


East Mediterranean Federation of Sexual Health (EMFeSH):

Faysal El Kak


Sexual Health Africa (SHA): SHA will be the newly formed official federation of

WAS in Africa


Ethical and professional Clinical Sexology (Sexual Medicine, Sex Therapy and Sex Counseling); Sexuality Education, and Scientific Research in sexuality.


For changes in public policy to recognize sexual health and rights as key determinants of general well-being.


With member organizations and international partners to ensure sexual health and rights for all.

The Mission of WAS

Contribute to sexual health, -rights, -justice and -pleasure policy-making and standard-setting.

Promote and showcase sexuality research.

Enhance the professional capacities of sexual health practitioners.

Support and advance comprehensive sexuality education.

Endorse the work of professionals and activists involved in: sexual health, rights, justice and pleasure activism.

1978 – 1979

President Romano Forleo (Italy)

1986 – 1989

President Fernando Bianco (Venezuela)

1993 – 1997

President Rubén Hernández-Serrano (Venezuela)


Founded as the World Association for Sexology

1979 – 1986

President Gilbert Tordjman (France)

1989 – 1994

President Alan Wabrek (United States)

How does WAS work?

WAS has regional representation in the form of its Official Federations.

The work of WAS is done through committees chaired by WAS Advisory Committee members and functions under specific terms of reference.

The highest governing body of WAS is the General Assembly which consists of representatives of all the WAS Membership Organizations.


The Advisory Committee of WAS is elected by the General Assembly.

The day-to-day running of the organization is the responsibility of the officers (President, Vice-President, Secretary General and Immediate Past-President). 


The President and Vice-President of WAS are elected by the Advisory Committee and the Secretary General is appointed by the President.


WAS is aligned with the 2030 Agenda of the UN and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with WAS working actively toward the realization of almost all of the SDGs.


WASapp, mobile companion to WAS members

Enjoy member benefits like access to webinars via WASapp.

WAS Theory of Change

WAS is actively creating a world in which:

  • People make informed, autonomous, ethical and respectful Sexual Health choices. 

  • Laws and policies are applied to ensure Sexual Health, Rights and Justice for ALL.

  • Sex positive attitudes and beliefs are embraced around the world and diversity is widely accepted.

  • Scientific, evidence- and rights-based, experience-informed, context-sensitive knowledge about sexuality is widely accessible and not censored.

  • Gender equality is achieved within the most comprehensive understanding of gender, including that of Trans and Gender Diverse Individuals.

  • Sexual violence and harm are eliminated under all circumstances.

  • Comprehensive sexuality education is standard practice in and out of school.

  • Professional standards are well-developed and regulated on ethical and best-practice guidelines to ensure the highest quality of clinical and other sexual health services around the globe.

WAS Theory of Change

The WAS Theory of Change outlines the eight key outcomes WAS aims to achieve for long-term societal improvement.


Here it is overlaid with our values and interdisciplinary approach.

WAS Theory of Change
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